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High High 199 MINIMALIST S01820
34 36 38 40 42
268,99 $ High MINIMALIST S01820
New Arrivals
High High 280 ENDURANCE S01854
36 38 40
355,17 $ High ENDURANCE S01854
New Arrivals
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High High 140 LURCH S01818
38 40 42
313,97 $ High LURCH S01818
New Arrivals
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High High 501 HASTEN 702961
36 42
430,74 $ High HASTEN 702961
New Arrivals
High High 289 HASTEN 702961
34 36 40 42
430,74 $ High HASTEN 702961
New Arrivals
High High 297 LURCH S01818
38 42
313,97 $ High LURCH S01818
New Arrivals
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High High 199 LURCH S01818
38 42
313,97 $ High LURCH S01818
New Arrivals
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High High 001 SCRUTINY S01822
36 38 40 42
538,70 $ High SCRUTINY S01822
New Arrivals
High High 199 FREEWAY S01815
34 36 38 40 42
463,12 $ High FREEWAY S01815
New Arrivals
High High 100 ADVANCED 702952
36 38 40
430,74 $ High ADVANCED 702952
New Arrivals
High High 544 ANIMATE 707021
581,88 $ High ANIMATE 707021
New Arrivals
High High 101 BUZZ S01807
38 40 42
430,74 $ High BUZZ S01807
New Arrivals
High High 460 PULSATE 702967
38 40 42
376,77 $ High PULSATE 702967
New Arrivals
High High 100 PULSATE 702967
38 40 42
376,77 $ High PULSATE 702967
New Arrivals
High High 544 DIRECTIVE 702947
34 36 38 40 42
344,37 $ High DIRECTIVE 702947
New Arrivals
High High 822 DIRECTIVE 702947
34 36 38 40 42
344,37 $ High DIRECTIVE 702947
New Arrivals
High High 008 FORCEFUL 702975
36 38 42
430,74 $ High FORCEFUL 702975
New Arrivals
High High 289 OUTGOING S01821
34 36 38 40 42
463,12 $ High OUTGOING S01821
New Arrivals
High High 199 PARADOX S01802
34 38 40 42
376,77 $ High PARADOX S01802
New Arrivals
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High High 101 CREDIBILITY S01816
36 38 42
376,77 $ High CREDIBILITY S01816
New Arrivals
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High High 199 CREDIBILITY S01816
36 38 40 42
376,77 $ High CREDIBILITY S01816
New Arrivals
High High 289 FREEWAY S01815
36 38 40 42
463,12 $ High FREEWAY S01815
New Arrivals
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High High 005 HAPPILY 702966
38 40 42
409,15 $ High HAPPILY 702966
New Arrivals
High High 004 HAPPILY 702966
38 40 42
409,15 $ High HAPPILY 702966
New Arrivals
High High 002 HAPPILY 702966
34 36 40 42
409,15 $ High HAPPILY 702966
New Arrivals
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High High 501 OUTGOING S01821
34 36 40
463,12 $ High OUTGOING S01821
New Arrivals
High High 544 PARADOX S01802
38 40 42
376,77 $ High PARADOX S01802
New Arrivals
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High High 104 EXPERT S01810
463,12 $ High EXPERT S01810
New Arrivals
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High High 199 BUZZ S01807
38 40
430,74 $ High BUZZ S01807
New Arrivals
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High High 199 EXPERT S01810
36 38 40 42
463,12 $ High EXPERT S01810



The brand High is known for its trendy and original womens clothing. Near Rimini in Italy is High settled. The designers who have started their career at Girbaud, introduced the brand High with the  wish to express their ideas and fashion sense in a better way. The result is a very high quality brand with original and new designs. Each item is an unique expression of fashion sense and a pleasure for the eye. Both the trousers or jeans as well as the coats, blouses and vests are a constant expression of originality. The fabrics which the brand High uses can sometimes be very sporty but there are also high-quality techno fabrics used with much processing of elastane. A woman can dress trendy but also elegant with this brand.

High is since 2010 included in the assortment of Penninkhof and from that time constantly extended to what we sell now. We have compiled the most comprehensive High collection of the Netherlands and you'll find all sizes of items on our webshop. High is basically for any woman of fashion and quality. We often experience that when customers once purchases something from  this brand, they become a fan of High. 

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